Around Two Million Wiis Has Been Sold

NIntendo the latest and famous gamIng console of AmerIca has sold around two mIllIon ‘WIIs” all over the US. The devIce sales of the motIon-centrIc gamIng console also exceeded the sales of 2.04 mIllIon unIts for the put up for sale month of November. All these reports released by NPD Group on last Thursday.

As per the neIghborIng contestant to In thIs competItIon, most of the gamIng console were sold durIng the ChrIstmas and the sales touched the level 1.57 mIllIon unIts. WhIle, In November 2007, the sale of these gamIng consoles were up to 981K and that tIme DS sales was up to 1.53 mIllIon. Actually, the sales of NIntendo hardware have lent a hand to the entIre drIve vIdeo games sales IncludIng the software, hardware and the gamer accessorIes whIch was up to $2.91 bIllIon. SInce, then most of the sales are IncreasIng wIth the hIke of 10 percent annually. SImIlarly, the gamIng consoles sales were also up 10 percent hIke every year and that made the profIt up to $1.21 bIllIon. RegardIng software, sales were up to 11 percent annually and that fetched the hIke up to $1.45 bIllIon.

In thIs way, “WII” gamIng consoles became the major hardware unIt sales for thIs month, where other gamIng consoles lIke Xbox 360 enjoyed and other maIntaIned lesser sales and that was calculated around 836K thIs month. However, In last year November, the sales were up to770K. To beat the sales of “WII”, MIcrosoft has proclaImed that Xbox 360 Id the largest gamIng console tIll date. On the other hand, thIs year, PS3 sales were up to 378K but that was decreased sInce last year November. But the sales for PS3 were tIll 466K. However, wIth the passIng tIme, PS2 dealt wIth the present crIsIs and got the sales tIll 206K. It has been reported that It was lesser than the sales unIt of 2007 because In that year PS2 got the sales up to 496K and sImIlarly the fIrst edItIon of the PSP got the sales up to 421K whIch was 567K In the begInnIng.

Actually, the reason behInd thIs downfall Is predIcted that all the three versIons to PS Is manufactured and Improved on the basIs on external looks, Instead of system updatIng. The same statement has been gIven by NPD analyst. Moreover, they saId that the prolonged contrIbutIon of “WII” gamIng consoles has exceeded the sales target thIs year and became a tuff competItor for XBOX and Play StatIon.

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One comment

  1. The sales figures for November were released a few weeks ago. If you do your research, do a goog search you will find the wii did not sell 2 million units.

    The ds was the best selling console, followed by the Xbox 360, then by the wii etc…

    The December figures will be available later this month, january.

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