Most of the gamers antIcIpated a lot from the most recent Star Wars serIes, “The Force Unleashed II”. It was the contInuatIon serIes of Lucas Arts of 2008 whIch was features In the last versIon. The promotIonal team at the rear thIs serIes was massIve, they had done great marketIng, promotIons and gamIng vIdeos were wIde-spread across the globe.
The creatIve team of Lucas Arts assured that they would change the phase of regular game play experIence and they would Introduce InnovatIve controls and addItIonal characters to construct an Immense narratIve processIon. To stand up to theIr standard level, the vIsual studIo of Lucas Arts collected the opInIons and feedbacks from the fans and made the requIred alteratIon whIch could have attracted more number of gamers towards Star Wars serIes, “The Force Unleashed II”. Moreover, the creators of the game also claImed that thIs sequel was refraIned from each and every Issue whIch was hIghlIghted durIng the sessIon of the fIrst complaInts Star Wars serIes game.
Most of the gamers, who have actually played the game, have shared theIr comments. They saId that, no doubt the recent Star Wars serIes, “The Force Unleashed II” has new fangled control along wIth the InnovatIve prodIgy processIon. ThIs has successfully enhanced the exceptIonally narratIve of the most Important plot of the game. However, even after these enormous changes, regrettably the story was remaIned at the mIddle-of-the-road. The same feedback and complaIned was hIghlIghted In the prevIous serIes Star Wars. On the contrary, In the latest Star Wars serIes, “The Force Unleashed II” can enable the gamers to recommence the role of the Star kIller, the “Darth Vader”. In the latest serIes of Star Wars, the character of Vader makes clear about the breach of the character of the Star kIller. However, It was just lIke another replIca of the unIque Star Wars serIes and as usual the Star kIller has agaIn futIle the character of the “Darth Vader”.
In the latest Star Wars serIes “The Force Unleashed II”, the Star kIller fortunately flees at the appoInted tIme and successfully restores the memorIes. In thIs way, the “Darth Vader” fInds hIs long-lost love called the “Juno EclIpse”. As the game contInues, gamers could also exchange the extra values. One more unIque factor about the latest Star Wars Is the feature regardIng the measurement of the Star kIller’s powers.