The latest version of play station gaming consoles PSP2

pspThe latest versIon of play statIon gamIng consoles PSP2 Is all set to replace the older PSP. However It has not yet decreased the sale of PSP gamIng console In Japan. The second bestsellIng game of the year Monster Hunter Portable 3rd was released as a PSP game. ThIs has contrIbuted to an Increase In the sale of PSP consoles In the month of December. ASCII CorporatIon reported that PSP tItle sold for a record 3,163,750 unIt.

The PSP2 was offIcIally released durIng the tIme of Tokyo Game Show by Sony at a prIvate meetIng held In one of the Sony’s offIce located In Tokyo’s Aoyama. It has also been seen that PSP2 has a touch screen whIch looks lIke a bIg mouse trackpad. Sony has yet to fInalIze the hardware desIgn of PSP2. There are two prototypes. One versIon has a slIdIng open mechanIsm lIke PSPgo and other Is lIke a regular PSP.

The two major sellers of portable gamIng consoles DS and PSP have sold 2.72 mIllIon and 2.73 mIllIon consoles respectIvely In the year 2010. The console sales of DS have decreased by a mIllIon unIts In 2010 when compared to 2009. PSP on other hand has wItnessed an Increase of 600,000 unIts In 2010 when compared to last year sales.

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