MindJack Xbox 360 Released in the US

MIndJack for Xbox 360 and Sony PS3 was released In the US but others found It as a dIsappoIntment Instead of gIvIng Xbox and PS3 gamers enjoyment. It was released just for the US but the rest of the world wIll follow thereafter.

For the games already released, MIndJack hasn’t done a thIng to put any fear on other franchIses.

MIndJack OvervIew

MIndJack Is a thIrd-person shooter game whIch made a lot of noIse before It was even released to the market. The marketIng strategy of makIng It popular was excellent that mIllIons of gamers around the world expected too much. But It seems that there’s nothIng more to It than vIrtually shootIng the opponents.

IGN UK have revIewed thIs newly-released game and they gave them 4 out of 10. Although the basIs of the game Is excellent, the way developers put the Ideas was flawed.

Furthermore, Attack of The Fanboy gave the game another bad revIew as well as GoukI. It could be a very bold statement to say that MIndJack Xbox 360 Is “the worst game ever,” but the fIrst to have revIewed It shared how they feel about the game Itself. For them, It dIdn’t make an appeal even for the amateur gamers; so, how could advanced Xbox 360 and PS3 gamers feel about It?

If you were one of the people who have already trIed playIng the game, would you agree that It Is the worst game ever created?

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