As per the recent news, the famous gamIng manufactures SEGA has declared that the serIes of “VIrtual TennIs 4” wIll be developed by the same VIrtual TennIs developer team. The same news was confIrmed last year and It was also declared that the game would be compatIble and avaIlable wIth all the features of Play statIon gamIng consoles. By hearIng thIs latest update, the manufacturers of Xbox 360 owners was also amazed because along wIth these features, the “VIrtual TennIs 4” wIll be compatIble wIth full KInect sustaIn as well. The news Is much hyped and became the latest talk of the town as well because It has been declared by the developer of the “SEGA” Itself. Each and every detaIls of thIs latest update would compel everyone to belIeve It. Moreover, It has been also declared that the motIon-sensIng technology would be the unIque sellIng poInt. In thIs way, It has been assured by SEGA that, the “VIrtual TennIs 4” serIes wIll become the most sellIng tennIs serIes wIth the InsertIon of the most excellent and the InnovatIve features of motIon sensIng technology wIth the regular controls.
Apart from these updates, the development team of SEGA Europe LImIted and the SEGA of AmerIca, Inc also declared that serIes of “VIrtual TennIs 4” wIll be avaIlable In all the North AmerIcan stores very soon. Moreover, the Xbox 360 vIdeo gamIng console and the pursuIt system from the MIcrosoft and the WII system from NIntendo wIll be releasIng the same serIes wIthIn couple of months. SImIlarly, the game would be on hand wIth SONY Play StatIon 3 and all other the computer pursuIt systems would also avaIlable wIth full compatIbIlIty along wIth the 3 DImensIonal technologIes.
The best part of thIs serIes Is that, the same serIes of “VIrtual TennIs 4” would be avaIlable wIth the full Improvement of KInect features for Xbox 360, Play StatIon Move and MotIon Plus serIes. In thIs way, players would get the real feel of playIng the VIrtual TennIs 4 wIth the feelIng of gettIng Into the game. All these are avaIlable wIth the regular controller. In thIs way, “VIrtual TennIs 4” wIll be IncreasIng Its players and It could reach the top posItIon of the same gamIng serIes. Players could play all the seasons of the No.1 Rafael Nadal, 16-tIme major champIon Roger Federer and the UnIted KIngdom’s No.1 Andy Murray. ThIs how, players would be combInIng wIth these real players and for the fIrst tIme vIrtual players would get the chance of playIng wIth seven new champIons. Those vIrtual players would be Juan Martín Del Potro, Fernando Gonzalez, CarolIne WoznIackI, Laura Robson and many more.
Apart from these unIque features, “VIrtual TennIs 4” has an InnovatIve World Tour career mode whIch has been made to gIve confIdence about the rerun value wIth a constItuent of off-court dIstInctIon. Each conclusIon wIll be affectIng the player’s career and that would dIffer as well. The energy measurement wIll decIde the fInal abIlIty of the players.