I-Pad and I-Phone proprIetors are now started the concern about the GamIng world as the three of the games named MInotaur Rescue, Nova 2 and Space Invaders InfInIty Gene are now capable of beIng played on all these types of devIces.
Also after the release of these games there Is also the froth comIng begInnIng of games named as ‘The IncIdent’ and ‘Halcyon’. Now the owners can buy any game accordIng to theIr Interest.
MInotaur Rescue Is a game of asteroIds In whIch you have to protect the sun from comIng towards asteroIds and you as the center asteroId of the sun.
The colorful detonatIons make the game very InterestIng and also just a soft touch to the screen to play the game Is very convenIent
Its prIce Is $4.99 and sIze Is 41.5 MB.
Space Invaders InfInIty Gene game Is maInly concentrated to conserve the elements of the space. All the weapons and spaceshIps look real. Every level Is provIded wIth some mIssIon.
The game’s challengIng nature, satIsfyIng playIng and the perfect tone makes It superIor.
LIke the prevIous games of thIs serIes, Nova 2 Is also the same. No doubt It looks lIke the duplIcate game but you can stIll enjoy It as the story lacks the worth, you can enjoy It wIthout knowIng story and wIthout playIng fIrst game.
The IncIdent Is also an InterestIng and eye-lovIng game In whIch a small boy has to stop the thIngs addIng as the garbage.
The next one Halcyon Is the sImple as you have to arrange sImIlar color trIangles Into one lIne. FIrstly you may fInd It bore but wIth keep on playIng, you mIght love It.