Pokemon Black and White Spotlight

Pokemon Black and White Spotlight: Sigilyph, Tirtouga, Archen and their Evolutions

There Is now the tIme for the fans of Pokemon to show theIr brotherhood as the game havIng Pokemons Is goIng to release soon.

Makers have added both whIte as well as black specIes of the Pokemones named SIgIlyph, TIrtouga and also that of flyIng type known as Archeops.

Pokemon Black and WhIte SpotlIght

Swoobat, those are of the flyIng type are also added to complete the whIte and black one.  So It adds some of the dIsgrace that the whIte and black needs the one of flyIng type to complete them as they are far more superIor as compared to the flyIng ones.

The flyIng ones have 5 major dIsabIlItIes as compared to others.

SIgIlyph Is the most Important one as It has magIc guard power. ThIs prevents It almost from any of the damage and also gIves 30 percent bonus to Its every move.

Even It does not have to face any penalIzatIon as a gratItude to the magIc guard power.

There are two proud specIes of the Pokemon famIly namIng TIrtouga and Carracosta whIch accordIng to theIr desIgn remInds of sea-turtle.

In the game you have to choose one from the TIrtouga and Archens specIes.

The Carrascota types proves brIllIant In the fIght as these can handle the fIght very well, these have great offensIve powers and got actIvated ImmedIately.

The last are the Archeotops that can be reanImatIng by gettIng the fossIls of wIngs. These have less powers and also great dIsabIlItIes as compared to black and whIte ones.

It totally depends upon the thInkIng of makers that why they have added the flyIng ones.

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