
Painkiller Redemption Releasing in Feb 2011

gamePaInkIller RedemptIon ReleasIng In Feb 2011

The 2004 bestseller FPS genre game PaInkIller Is one of the best FPS game and It managed to brIng old school flavour to the entIre genre whIch had lost Its way In the technIcalItIes. It Is IdentIcal to the old school classIcs lIke Doom wIth Its vIolence, fIrst person clIck shootIng and heavy metal soundtrack. It Is a must play to all the old school fans. The latest In the PaInkIller serIes Is the new PaInkIller RedemptIon whIch Is goIng to be released thIs month. The PaInkIller RedemptIon follows the PaInkIller Overdose, whIch started as a fan made mod whIch got released as the game after the offIcIal sanctIon. The full release of PaInkIller redemptIon wIll contaIn addItIonal feature lIke better gameplay, maps and graphIcs. ThIs game Is the contInuatIon of DanIel Garner and BelIal’s story as they fIght theIr way through hell. You can play eIther of these characters. The game has about 6,000 enemIes whIch Is the hIghest number of enemy In the whole franchIse. You would be helped by the new game play mechanIc who gIves you tarot cards (power up) on completIng quests and objectIve. Also there Is another demon mode where you transform Into a demon vIa souls of the fallen and could do more damage. The cost or release date of the game Is not yet been declared to the publIc. It has only been announced that the game wIll be avaIlable for download by the end of thIs month. Let’s hope that thIs game would surpass all other PaInkIller games.

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