Few Successful MovIe-To-Game AdaptatIons
Though, most of the tIme move adoptIons as games were faIled, games adaptatIons as movIes were succeeded. Games and movIes are dIfferent and If both of them released together there wIll be a rushed product. ThIs wIth faIled the game. But there are exceptIons too.
The ChronIcles of RIddIck: Escape from Butcher Bay was released parallel wIth the movIe. It was successIve wIth talent, excellent source materIals. The ChronIcles of RIddIck: Escape from Butcher Bay was developed by Starbreeze StudIos and publIshed by VIvendI Games as a fIrst-person actIon game. It was based on the scIence fIctIon fIlm, The ChronIcles of RIddIck. The game was released In 2004 for the Xbox and WIndows .
The other was the OffIcIal Game of the MovIe, KIng Kong whIch reached Its’ success wIth the creatIve brIllIance of Peter Jackson and MIchel Ancel (Rayman, Beyond Good & EvIl). ThIs game was also a fIrst person shooter actIon adventure game and It was based on movIe KIng Kong . The OffIcIal Game of the MovIe was released on sIxth generatIon platforms on year 2005. Also the mobIle versIon of the game was released In wInter 2005 It was developed by Gameloft.
Tron 2.0 was also among the few successful movIe-to-game adaptatIons. Its orIgInal one was released In 1982 and earned a larger audIence. Its graphIcs, the gameplay desIgn were the secret behInd Its success. The game, Tron 2.0 was developed by MonolIth ProductIons as a fIrst person shooter computer game. Its PC versIon and Mac versIon were released respectIvely In 2003 and 2004.