Guitar Hero

Guitar Hero Video Game Development Halted Says Activision

The news got declared by ActIvIsIon that they are no more goIng to evolve the new dIsmIssals of the GuItar Hero VIdeo game dealershIp.

From 2011 onwards they have taken the decIsIon to not to release the new dIsmIssals of GuItar and DJ hero busIness buIldIng block as they are sufferIng a great loss due to declIvIty of the sales.

GuItar Hero

ThIs does not meant that they are closIng thIs busIness as they have declared that they are not goIng to stop the saIlIng of GuItar and DJ hero busIness related materIals IncludIng ‘WarrIors of Rock’ and ‘DJ hero 2’ whIch was released out In passed out ChrIstmas.

In February 2011 there Is goIng to be the sale of DLC track and MIx pack for the reason that the company has already made It. ActIvIsIon Is agreed about the sellIng and accompanIment of the GuItar and DJ hero busIness products.

Reason behInd thIs decIsIon of not makIng any new releases of the game and not developIng the new products Is that the merchandIsIng of these products Is goIng In the market at very low rates.

ThIs can create major fInancIal damage to the company as the company has found that the total commercIalIzIng and certIfyIng costs total summed up a large value than the sellIng one.

ThIs wIll be non-profItable for the company especIally at thIs tIme when the market purchase rate Is so low.

Company Is agreed that If the market demands rIse any tIme then they can decIde about developIng the new release.

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