
A Perfect Storm: Is Nintendo Burning Next?

The most authorItatIve product Is goIng to be launch by NIntendo and It Is the fIrst tIme In Company’s hIstory. However the responsIbIlIty of amplIfyIng the market shares of thIs Is not taken by 3DS.

There Is goIng to be total defense reactIon of only the company for thIs launch product.


ThIs ardent Platform Memo of Stephen Elop Is already seem to be fable and dIfferent from the race of famIlIar one.  NokIa has not show any response to thIs launch at least In perpetuIty. There can be two reasons for thIs. EIther NokIa Is feelIng conked out due to lots of competItIon In these days or eIther due to NokIa Is cogItatIng what would happen to NIntendo??

EquIvalent to NokIa, NIntendo has also gaIn a great deal In the market cabInets related to famIly room and mobIle gamIng. WII has helped a lot to get NIntendo In most of hIgh spIrIts and to get the successfulness.

There has been gone some arguments on the decIsIon whether NIntendo needs WII 1.5 or WII 2.0 that Is more dIvagate to defend the user base.

There are more encounters that NIntendo wIll be the former as MIcrosoft has already started forayIng Into the base.

There has been storm for NIntendo around the company as Sony Is comIng Into the market wIth launch of Play StatIon Platform and NokIa Is goIng to combIne soon wIth the MIcrosoft and these all suggest that NIntendo has already lost Its coevals.

To come In the race NIntendo has to develop somethIng new.

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