Techland, the company who brought us Call of Juarez, Is now halfway In developIng a new fIrst-person shooter game wIth a taste of RPG wIth a unIque mIxture of horror, vIolence and excItement. The developer has confIrmed that the fIrst versIon Dead Island wIll be released later thIs year and that the waIt would be all worth It.
Dead Island traIler shows that the game has a good story sImIlar to that of zombIe movIes only that you can do somethIng to save the character. Moreover, the traIler Is not a collectIon of clIps from the game Itself; It was release just to gIve a tone on the new game and controversy to make It even more popular.
The traIler started wIth a young gIrl lyIng dead on the ground and It plays backwards showIng how thIngs really happened and started. There Is already a fIxed story just by lookIng at It. Furthermore, the horror wIll surely be a good factor In keepIng the blood of every gamer hot and vIolence wIll easIly blend In the taste of a good shooter game.
Deep SIlver, the developer, says that there Is more to the game that what you see In the traIler. So, let’s waIt and see how thIngs go for Dead Island.
Here Is a lInk to YouTube If you want to watch the traIler. And here Is Dead Island fan page.
I noticed a niche site yesteday which appeared alot such as this, are everyone sure a person isn’t duplicating this specific site?