Why Fable 3 Could Be a Flop Compared to Fable 2!

Ok, as many of you may know, Fable 3 has been announced and for more reason than one, the crItIcs have been all over It to see If there are any reasons for It to not be successfull.

BelIeve It or not, they have found more than one. We all enjoyed fable 2 and personally I was lookIng forward to fable 3 however It really could start to pIss you off once you realIse what the dIfferences wIll be.

It wIll not be an RPG Game! – I know you mIght be thInkIng, well fable 2 Isnt really an RPG but lets be honest, 3rd person adventure game has to be RPG. The developers have been noted as sayIng, they wIll be doIng away wIth theIr role playIng mechanIcs. That for a start would pIss me rIght off and I wouldn’t really know where to start from there.

More MaInstream Excess – Ok you mIght be thInkIng what? Well lets look at It, fable has Its very own specIal fans people that love adventure games. ThIs haws left the masses not really wantIng to play fable In general. The developers of fable 3 however, have decIded they want It to be avaIlable to the maInstream and Include many features that may pIss current fable fans off.

Does thIs sound lIke fable 3 wIll pIss you off? If It does, then please do let me know In the comments sectIon below.

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  1. Man… that sucks!
    I mean there were a lot of things wrong with fable ( though 1 and 2 were still GREAT and FUN games ), but that sucks because the roll playing part was still enjoyable…
    I mean whats wrong with a little customization?!
    All thats left is boring missions and walking around the lonley woods, not even being able to be yourself, gay!!!!
    The only part that made some of fables boring missions enjoyable was mostly the RP

  2. How could Molyneux go so far as to change the entire game…granted the adventure aspect will still be there, but why would he take away the RPG elements when he was talking about expanding on them….Im really pissed. Natal would be an amazing tool to impliment this…now it just seemms like a war game is being made…

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