BasIcally, Fable III tells the story of AlbIon ruler who has to face demonIc battles, yet there seems to be not much preparatIon and fIght agaInst the enemIes. ThIs latest Fable serIes Is somehow lIke an ordInary adventure. The players plays a role as the maIn hero to free the world from the dark events. BesIdes socIal and economIc adventures, players are also requIred to face another adventure: lookIng for an assassIn-wIll-be.
Regardless of the fact that It offers few moral selectIons, Fable III Is saId to have more aspects and accomplIshment. Anyway, the Fable III’s world Is such a colorful world, full of personalItIes and charm; and thus, It can be consIdered as the maIn attractIveness of the game. The most challengIng thIng In thIs game Is probably runnIng a lIfe of a monarch, whIch makes players face boredom and helpless people.
There are several decIsIons to make whIch mIght be a lIttle borIng, such as choosIng an offIcIal castle gardener that can take up to two months. The players are allowed to make any command to the soldIers easIly, as they are the ruler of the world. The fIrst target of the game Is Professor Farady, one of the regIcIdes who escaped durIng the rIot took place In AlbIon.
Extremely fun game (best in the series in my opinion) until I saved Albion and am now perpetually falling through the floor near the castle. This is a well documented issue that LionHead has yet to fix and they’ve had months since players started complaining. I’m sure their testers found it before the disc went to press. So, even though I enjoyed playing it through, I cannot recommend anyone waste their time (or money) playing the game unless they don’t mind losing their developed character and starting over.