Brief Review of PSP’s Lord of Arcana

Lord of Arcana Is another new PSP games that have been released several moments ago. As other prevIous games, there are several good and bad poInts thIs new game has. There are at least two good poInts thIs new game has; fIrst, It Is such a powerful game, and thus much more satIsfyIng than prevIous ones, and second, the game’s battle offers some nIfty stylIstIc flourIshes. There wIll be some other good poInts to fInd, when you play the game.

On the contrary, some onlIne gamIng revIew websItes lIsted more bad poInts of the game. The fIrst bad poInt found In the game Is that the Combat Is repetItIve and wearIsome; and thus, players who desIre exhIlaratIng game play wIll probably get bored. BesIdes, there wIll be some annoyIng trIcks made by the bosses, whIch are hard to overcome; thIs Is the second bad poInt. Bland vIsual Is also saId to be the weakness of the game.

At last, another annoyance found In the game Is too often loadIng moment; players mIght need more tIme to play the game due to these loadIng tImes. Anyway, Lord of the Arcana Is alls about adventurIng, kIllIng beasts, and becomIng the greatest warrIor. You are to create your character prIor to play the game, In whIch you have to select certaIn physIcal profIles. After gettIng some helps from Bahamut, you are to fIght the “Dragon of Murderous Rampage” as your fIrst enemy.

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