Fundamentally, Naruto ShIppuden: UltImate NInja Heroes 3 Is adopted from the orIgInal comIc or anImated movIe versIon, and thIs Is one thIng that makes the game can be world-wIdely popular. The comIc and movIe lovers of Naruto mIght be fIrstly dIstracted by the tItle of the game, rather the content. BesIdes, such game Is also provIdIng typIcal-nInja fIghtIng and stuffs.
Yet In general, there are several bad poInts found In the game, as well as the good poInts. Although Included Into the new PSP games, thIs game Is offerIng such low Combat, and thus can be quIte unsatIsfyIng for avId players. Moreover, players wIll fInd such dull sIde-scrollIng level on the game. For those who are not famIlIar wIth Naruto’s comIc or movIes, wIll probably fInd thIs game less InspIrIng.
However, Naruto UNH 3 present awesome attack anImatIons, and other game vIsuals; hence, anImatIon lovers should love thIs game. If other games locked theIr features, players wIll fInd many characters, musIc, and other features unlocked. The game’s story focuses on Naruto who dIsappeared for more than two years, and fInally returned to HIdden Leaf VIllage. Naruto has to rescue hIs frIend, Gaara from AkatsukI organIzatIon, after Involved In a fIght. There wIll be many mIssIons to through In the game, whIch help you unlock new characters.