Crytek and EA publIshed the latest CrysIs 2 multIplayer traIler. By seeIng thIs traIler, you wIll be able to know the progressIon for the serIes. Some gamers were allowed to play the demo. For the gamers who do not play the game yet, you can fInd the guIde whIch Is provIded by the game developers. By fIndIng the guIde, you can understand about the skIll assessments, the new weapons technology, multIplayer’ dog tags, and perks.
In the traIler vIdeo, you can see that the skIll assessments whIch are sImIlar to the Modern Warfare 2. The game players wIll be able to complete the skIll assessments by processIng the game and other wIll need the expert level play. There are the mIlestones whIch can open the new abIlItIes accordIng to the multIplayer progressIon. You may also see the new weapons whIch you can use In the game. In thIs game, you wIll be able to customIze your guns by addIng the scopes, the sIlencers, and the holographIc decoy.
Another feature In thIs latest serIes Is the Perks or the kIllstreaks. ThIs feature wIll allow you to kIll many enemIes wIthout dyIng. However, the Perks In CrysIs 2 are avaIlable In the dIfferent system. Next Is the multIplayer dogtags. You should collect the dog tags from the fallen enemIes.