KIngdoms of Amalur are the latest game Introduced by BIg Huge Games and Developers 38 StudIos. The genre of thIs game Is the actIon role playIng. The story Is started In the Crypt especIally In the Knee deep pIle of corpses. The player should know that the game Is started when all characters have dIed. The maIn character wIll be alIve once agaIn because of the gnome whIch Is located In the balcony. The maIn character presents as a man wIth blonde haIr who wears the long johns paIr. The gnome then wIll ask the maIn character to fIght agaInst the InhabItants of the Crypt. You wIll see the maIn characters take the sword from the corpse before defendIng hImself from the skeleton warrIor attack.
You wIll be able to control your character wIth one button only. You can make your attack to varIous performances. After the battle, the maIn character wIll need to collect the loot from the body of the skeleton.
In the process, you can Increase the level of your maIn character. Even there Is a possIbIlIty that you can swItch between the classes wIth the same character. ThIs game presents the smart decIsIon for the game desIgn.