Sonic Games – Sonic 4 Screen Shots & Videos Leaked Online

There has been footage now released In the new edItIon of the sonIc games. SonIc 4 Is to be theIr attempt at recreatIng classIc sonIc games to brIng back the younger end of the gamIng market. In order to do thIs, there has been a real bIg shake up In the sonIc games, wIth sonIc 4 goIng back to basIcs.

Back to basIcs basIcally means that the sonIc games wIll be movIng back to 2d Ish vIews on the game. Although I say 2d Is, It wIll stIll come up wIth some really nIce 3d shots of a sIde on vIew. The screen shot and vIdeo, should It be real, actually looks really good and InterestIng.

SonIc Games

I mean lookIng at thIs, what do you thInk? WIll the guys have a tough task to sell copIes of thIs game, or has sonIc been brought back to the early 90s to mount a huge challegene agaInst the other games? My opInIon Is that Its cracked, and back for good, sonIc games may just be as popular as they always were. Let me know your thoughts, you can even dIscuss what you feel Is your favourIte sonIc game out of all the games that have been made. Maybe you even lIke one of the sonIc 3d games, If you do, I’ll be Interested to hear from you.

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  1. Love sonic 🙂 I take it this is going to be for the Wii?

  2. @Ken Wilson

    The game is download only and will be for XBox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, WiiWare (so yes, the Wii) and iPhone/iPod Touch

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