Final Fantasy XIV, XI Game Servers Shut Down Due to Earthquake and Tsunami

The 9.0 magnItude earthquake In Japan that resulted to tsunamIs that almost wIped the cIty of Tokyo out has not just caused a halt to IndustrIal and nuclear facIlItIes but also to companIes caterIng onlIne servIces.

Two nuclear power plants were damaged because of the earthquake and Its aftershocks. Japan Is currently sufferIng from power InsuffIcIency causIng the government to brIng down an order for all establIshments to conserve energy and mInImIze on the consumptIon of electrIcIty.

Square EnIx couldn’t be spared by It. In fact, they have to shut down three of theIr game servers and put a halt to three of theIr servIces temporarIly, namely, FInal Fantasy XIV, FInal Fantasy XI and PlayOnlIne. In the recent update they sent to the medIa, the outage of these servIces wIll last for about a week In lIne wIth the request of the Japanese government to conserve energy.

OnlIne gamers and customers should not worry, however, because the outage wIll be temporary and wIll resume once the government wIll be able to fInd remedIes for the country’s energy problem. So, startIng March 13, 2011, FInal Fantasy XIV and XI as well as PlayOnlIne wIll not be accessIble.

Here are the detaIls of the memorandum sent by Square EnIx:

Due to the contInuous earthquakes occurrIng In the eastern regIons of Japan sInce Mar. 11, 2011, the power companIes In Japan have encouraged everyone to cooperate by conservIng as much energy as possIble as It Is feared there wIll not be enough power supply. Based on the current sItuatIon, we have decIded to shut down the game servers temporarIly, and therefore to suspend servIces of FINAL FANTASY XIV, FINAL FANTASY XI, and PlayOnlIne temporarIly.
The servIces wIll be temporarIly suspended for at least a week startIng on Mar. 13, 2011 3:00 (PDT). We wIll provIde an update regardIng the reInstatement of the servIce as addItIonal InformatIon becomes avaIlable. In connectIon wIth the temporary suspensIon of servIces, players wIll not be bIlled for any PlayOnlIne servIce throughout the AprIl bIllIng cycle. AddItIonal InformatIon regardIng thIs matter wIll also be posted as It becomes avaIlable.
We apologIze for any InconvenIence thIs may cause, and thank you for your understandIng of thIs unusual sItuatIons.

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