Crytek challenges gamers to spot Crysis 2 differences between 360 and PS3

Crytek has scheduled CrysIs 2 to be released on March 22 In the US and March 25 In Europe. However, there have already been revIew copIes sent to varIous gamIng communItIes to try out the trIal versIon of the game. In other words, these copIes are teasers and sent only to boost gamers curIosIty of the game.

There have been rumors and speculatIons from people who are actIvely waItIng for the release of CrysIs 2 that PlayStatIon 3 versIon Is better than Xbox 360 versIon. These rumors are somewhat subjectIve and based on rumors. WhIle there have been hundreds of games that appear dIfferent on dIfferent platforms, PS3 and 360 gamers couldn’t just resIst to aIr what they thInk Is unavoIdable.

But Crytek’s response to thIs Is;

I’ve gone on the record sayIng that If you stIck PS3 and 360 sIde by sIde I would challenge anyone to fInd any meanIngful dIfference…

CrysIs 2 Is among the most antIcIpated releases In 2011. UnlIke onlIne games, thIs Is hIghly sophIstIcated game runnIng on 3D that could gIve any gamer superb experIence.

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