Speed NoIse Movement has brought down the latest game that Is typIcally a typeface game and Is advert as VetIca.
In the game you have to play the role of a pIlot whIch Is provIded wIth 12 dIverse sorts of weapons and these are used for dIverse punctuatIon mark. Also the chase lIne of the game created lIttle fun and that Is ‘In Letterspace no one can hear your scream’.
If you are one who lIked VertIcal Shooter on I-Phone then you are surely goIng to VetIca also. In thIs game you can move your shIp just wIth a tap on the screen and you have to shoot at the offenders that you can see on the screen In the mean tIme.
The game consIsts of about 13 levels and after clearIng the one you can choose the next level from the maIn screen and for onlIne play there Is another button avaIlable wIth + sIgn.
The enemIes In VetIca may assemble only one character or may double too. Also dIfferent offenders show dIfferent attacks wIth dIfferent weapons and behavIor.
If you were not satIsfIed wIth VertIcal Shooter prevIously then you are goIng to stay wIth the VetIca In whIch the colorful shooters are there wIth eye charmIng effects. For gIvIng the font attrIbute, thIs Is the game you should pIck. The game Is avaIlable at the App Store at $ 1.99. You must play It once If you are Font game lover.