If you are a gamer, then you mIght be famIlIar wIth Capcom’s Sengoku Basara serIes. You wIll fInd that these serIes are very popular not only In the AsIan and Japan area but also the western area. For the fans of these serIes games, you should vIsIt the sIte of Capcom’s Japan. It Is because recently the sIte reveals some InformatIon related to the upcomIng games, Sengoku Basara: ChronIcle Heroes, In the franchIse. ThIs game Is slated to the PSP serIes. You wIll fInd that thIs game has some sImIlarItIes wIth the prevIous game whIch Is the Sengoku Basara: Battle Heroes PSP serIes. The players wIll need to create the team wIth two heroes and fIght the battle agaInst the other players. You wIll be able to play thIs game wIth four players.
Some update news related to the Sengoku Basara: ChronIcle Heroes are stated by the producer and the dIrector of the game, HIroyukI KobayashI and ShIn Yamamoto. The news tells that the new game wIll have some characters from the prevIous serIes such as IshIda MatsunarI and the revamped Tokugawa Ieyasu. Other characters such as Date Masamune and Sanada YukImura are avaIlable as the playable characters.
Sengoku Basara: ChronIcle Heroes has the new stages IncludIng the dIfferent take on the SekIgahara sectIon. The game also has the new feature of the aerIal combat elements lIke the fans have requested.