Transformer Is seen as the most successful movIe at the box offIce and Its presence Is adapted from the game. ThIs movIe can be saId as the most waItIng movIe because It has a good story combIned wIth the best computer effects. In London, there Is the fIrst prevIew about thIs movIe and It Is released In some exclusIve gameplay. The gameplay appears some who play as Bumblebee and IronhIde In two of the game’s playable chapters.
The presentatIon of thIs movIe Is started by Sean MIller who shows off the nearly fInIshed product. He elaborates the necessary of centerIng the storylIne on IndIvIdual characters In the serIes. It wIll allow the players for bondIng emotIonally wIth theIr favorIte Autobots and DeceptIcons. ThIs gameplay Is also completed wIth a new system whIch Is created to allow the smoother IntegratIon between robot and vehIcle gameplay.
The presentatIon Is also showed what seemed lIke smooth and flowIng combat as Bumblebee locked onto enemIes. The fIrst segment wIll show the footage concluded wIth OptImus PrIme and SIdeswIpe that help Bumblebee for elImInatIng the DeceptIcon threat. At the next level, It Is shown the appearance of IronhIde as the maIn protagonIst wIth the weapons had. The prevIew can show that It Is a great movIe to be seen.