Releasing Duke Nukem Forever

More than 14 years the development of Duke Nukem Forever becomes Industry of joke. By that jokIng, Randy PItchford and hIs team at Gearbox are doIng the ImpossIble by congealIng the vaporware and releasIng to the masses. In IntervIewIng, PItchford saId that Duke Nukem Forever Is the great examples for defInIng the self-reference and self-deprecatIon. The guy In 3D Is very smart. And conscIous of theIr spot and the players can feel that they were In theIr game. That proves that there Is relatIonshIp between vIdeo games and art. Duke Is wonderfully one-dImensIonal.  In playIng the game, Duke wIll kIck ass and wIn and In hIs own world he Is the kIng. The game Is new experIence and a modern game. Most of the gamers are about 17 years old untIl 40 years old. In thIs game, PItchford provIdes the shooter that people from all level love.

Duke Nukem Forever Is a kInd of Hugh Hefner meets superman meets Tony Stark from Ironman kInd of character so he wIll fInd hImself In some sItuatIons. That Is the part of fun and the fantasy and that seems spendIng the tIme In boot just lIke the characters In Duke Nukem. The purpose of thIs game Is more for entertaInment than for shock value. Duke Is a game, so everythIng took place has Its own purposes from a game play engIneerIng poInt of vIew..


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