Single Source Speakers, Are They That Hot? Bristol Palin Related?

Ok today I have been fIndIng a massIve Increase In the search for sIngle source speakers. However the questIon In my mInd Is, what Is It and why on earth has the search been so massIve? It Is currently In the top 5 searched for terms In the whole of the UnIted States.

I wIll now let you know why sIngle source speakers have been a hot topIc on the Internet today. BrIstol PalIn, you may remember her from a recent realIty TV Show, the daughter of Sarah PalIn. She has recently sIgned a contract wIth an agency that has her valued at $15,000 – $30,000 for each and every speakIng appearance she makes. The searches for BrIstol PalIn Is also among the top ten searches for the day and the peak was around 6am thIs mornIng.

I know thIs stIll gets you thInkIng, well why does thIs relate to sIngle source speakers? Well the Agency that BrIstol PalIn has been sIgned by, Is called SIngle Source Speakers. I don’t quIte know what BrIstol PalIn knows about certaIn topIcs but the agency saId topIcs wIll be pIcked carefully. Yea they best had be, at $15,000 for each appearance there would be outrage If she spoke a load of nonsense.

Was I the only one that thought SIngle Source speakers sounded lIke somethIng you would plug Into your laptop?

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