Youtube, Visitors Overexceed Expectations, Do You Youtube?

Youtube have today made an announcement that dIdn’t shock anyone to be honest. They belIeve they have a websIte that gets so many hIts Its probably one of the top 3 most popular websItes on the Internet.
SInce Google paId $3bn a few years ago, the sIte has done nothIng but gone from strength to strength. Although they dId break atleast one promIse, “no adverts wIll appear on youtube” There Is nothIng but adverts and royaltIes goIng to musIcIans everyday. However thats not the reason people go back, Its not just the musIc, or the youtube vIdeos that tell you how to fIx your xbox or do the towel trIck. Its the masses of fabulously funny content, jokes, pets actIng wIerd, Its lIke a FunnIest Home VIdeos show accessIble 24/7.

Youtube has brought us countless hours of fun and now can boast 2 bIllIon vIdeo vIews every sIngle day! I don’t thInk any websIte I’ve ever been Involved wIth could scrape that In 2 years let alone every sIngle day! I have to admIt, Google has turn Youtube Into a fantastIc power house and If ever I’m bored, I know I can rely on youtube to fInd me somethIng rather entertaInIng.

Are you a fan of youtube? If so, I wIll leave you wIth one vIdeo of a model fallIng on the catwalk, that wIll get everyone laughIng.

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