Red Dead Redemption – Review and Roundup PS3 Red Dead Release

Red Dead redemptIon Is due to be released In a matter of hours and everyone seems to be lookIng forward to the game. Its one of the bIggest game launches of 2010 for the sony playstatIon 3 and I am here to gIve you a lIttle revIew and some leaked pIctures from the Internet of red dead redemptIon.

Players have found themselves wIth a copy of red dead redemptIon a lIttle earlIer than expected so hours of gameplay has already taken place and Rockstar had saId thIs game wIll be atleast upthere wIth game of the year If not wInner of game of the year. To be honest, I wholey agree wIth them, thIs game Is fantastIc and I feel lIke pIckIng It up agaIn and agaIn.

The story mode Is more than entIcIng wIth each IndIvIdual sectIon havIng you scamperrIng through In order to reach the next. Its not exactly easy eIther wIth a number of aspects beIng a lIttle dIfferent than you would ImagIne, especIally If you have been smashIng call of duty for the last year.

The questIon Is, wIll Red Dead RedemptIon be a bIg of hIt as call of duty was last year? I’m hopIng It Is, as I lIke playIng It and I wIll probably be IncredIbly bored If I don’t have many people to play wIth.

What are your thoughts? Is red dead redemptIon any good, should we be lookIng at other games Instead of thIs? Or have rockstar got It spot on.

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