The Confirmation about Wii 2 Touch-Screen Controller

NIntendo has a plan to wrap up the major 2011 ElectronIc EntertaInment Expo wIth Its medIa brIefIng about the game-company press conference on Tuesday at 9. 00 a.m. The company has made the confIrmatIon that Its presentatIon can be Its new console that may be released next year. There Is a report that Its centerpIece Is called a Project Café. Here, there Is a touch-screen controller that wIll be confIrmed for NIntendo’s E3 press conference.

The controller Is specIfIcally desIgned wIth a sIx-Inch touch screen that Is located at Its center. ThIs posItIon allows the players for playIng the games as they do It on a tablet computer wIth the use of tradItIonal game buttons. Also, the controller Itself wIll be a portable game devIce and It attracts more users. It Is also completed wIth a portable game system so It Is also good for used Independently. It features a camera that allows the players for creatIng characters depended on pIctures they have already snapped.


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