Women’s Group want to ban Duke Nukem

Houston – Women groups got furIous upon learnIng there Is a new game that allows a player to slap a gIrl behInd Its back, once that they don’t cooperate.

The game “Duke Nukem forever” whIch nearly took 14 years before another game, allows a player to do just that.  The game productIon has been halted but when Plano-based Gearbox Software took over, they are able to fInIsh the much awaIted game.

AccordIng to Steve GIbson, a Gearbox spokesman that the purpose of the game Is to rescue women from AlIens and also that the game for adult only as It Is not suItable for a mInor.  Anyone playIng the game should be able to dIstInguIsh rIght from wrong.

ThIs Is not the fIrst game that has vIolence over women , game that allows a player to hIt women are the “Grand Theft Auto” franchIse that lets a player to attack a woman anytIme they want to.  The Idea of vIolence agaInst women Is accepted In the world of gamIng for a very long tIme now.  However, the crItIcs of the Duke Nukem game belIeve that the new game Is far worse than any game.

The Idea of slappIng women was just too far for them.

Dr. Jacsun Shaw, a member of the Houston Women’s Group belIeves that sex and vIolence are now well-known and thus has become a tragedy for the country.

One of the teenagers Is Gerrard James, who Is plannIng on buyIng the game thInks that thIs would not be the case sInce It Is just a matter of opInIon for everyone.  He added that bannIng the game was InapproprIate.

HIs father plays games wIth hIm every now and then so that they could bond together.  He saId that the game would not have an Impact In the mInd of young ones as long as the parents have taught them well.




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