The Angry Birds Rio and the new bird : CARNIVEL

MIne and DIne were the new epIsodes of Angry BIrds updated recently. Well not to be outdone by that alone, RovIo has just announced that the next update for Angry BIrds RIo wIll called as CarnIval (The Angry BIrd RIo and the new bIrd) It Includes entertaInIng levels that makes you more thrIller.

The 15 levels of thIs new epIsode make you to enjoy that are all carnIval themed. In thIs we can see marmosets, balloons, colorful decoratIons to be among the Items a bIt more of a party theme was Included In the game. However, the new epIsode Isn’t the only thIng Included In the update. It should make you be very eager to play wIth a dIfferent type of pIssed off bIrd; fInally your dreams have been come true. As a surprIse a new bIrd makes Intro to the game.

You must come out from your shocks to conquer thIs. Currently thIs updated has been released onto IOS and wIll be comIng to AndroId shortly. Play the traIler and enjoy the game.

Update June 10th, 2011 11:15am: The Angry BIrds CarnIval update Is now lIve on the Amazon App Store. Never mIss a moment, Enjoy the game.

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