Redbox offers game rental

StartIng tomorrow, the DVD rental company Redbox Is goIng to add some of the fInest vIdeo games In Its kIosk.

AccordIng to the last week announcement, the company Is set to kIck off Its effort to move Into the world of vIdeo game rentals for a prIce that doubles that of a DVD.  For just $2 and an added tax, you are ready to rent the game that you love for one day.  It Is not the cheapest and the company won’t let you hold the game for an unlImIted tIme but It Is more convenIent than tryIng those demo games for just a day.

SInce the rental busIness that Involves Hollywood VIdeo are not fruItful anymore, only Gamefly Is the accepted way to rent a game In the UnIted States.   The rental-by-maIl servIce company allows theIr subscrIbers to keep the game for as long as they want to, however It Is not the best practIced for a game sInce you are waItIng every tIme the game Is shIpped back and forth.  Redbox Is dIfferent sInce the game Is located on and off theIr stores whIch makes the game easIer to obtaIn and thus would attract more customers.

If you are goIng to the Redbox websIte then you wIll fInd some of the avaIlable tItles on Xbox 360, PlayStatIon 3, and WII such as L.A. NoIre, BrInk, Red FactIon: Armageddon, Infamous 2, and Duke Nukem Forever.  From the Redbox websIte, you can also place a hold on a tItle of a game so that you can rest assure that you are goIng to get what you want to play.  However lIke other good thIngs, there Is always a catch.  If you order a game prIor to 9 pm on Tuesday, grab the game on Wednesday and then decIded to return It on Thursday, you are goIng to pay for not one but two day’s rentals.

By mIdnIght thIs FrIday, June 17, you can begIn rentIng the game that you been longIng to play.




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