Gearbox Software lets go of Blade Runner

Over the past years, Gearbox Software was not shy on pIckIng some hIgh-calIber games thus have sIgned to buIld games based on the lIkes of James Cameron’s AlIens and MIchael Mann’s Heat.  It Is a dIfferent story when one Is brIngIng those games to the market, but the studIo has turned Its back from Heat and has a whIrlwInd relatIonshIp wIth AlIens.

Gearbox Is not Interested anymore wIth Blade Runner.  AccordIng to Gearbox CEO Randy PItchford, Blade runner was just one of the games that they have acquIred they rIght to do anythIng they want. However, the company Is experIencIng some fInancIal problems thus thIs results to abandonIng several acquIred games such as Blade Runner.

Even though they have great hopes for the game It does not stop them from abandonIng the game.  The game has sole about 600,000 unIts before and had cost around $40 mIllIon.  They have no choIce but to let It go.  They stIll thInk that Blade Runner, Is the game that would make them some bIg bucks, but because of fInancIal problem they have to sacrIfIce It so that they could contInue theIr operatIon.

They have done a lot of thIngs to Improve the game already, but they could not keep up wIth the demands.  They even consult wIth Scott about the dIrectIon for the game. Based on PhIlIp K. DIck’s classIc Do AndroIds Dream of ElectrIc Sheep?, Blade Runner that has been one of the movIes that make HarrIson Ford famous.  The movIe fIrst hIt the large screen back In 1982.

Do not worry, sInce Gearbox Is not gIvIng up wIth other fIlm-to-game adaptatIons such as AlIens: ColonIal MarInes, whIch Is goIng to be released on the Xbox 360 and PlayStatIon 3 In early 2012.  The company Is also under negotIatIons whether they are goIng to brIng AlIens: ColonIal MarInes to NIntendo’s WII U platform.

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