Zynga is planning to launch its own data center

For four years, Zynga Is relyIng on thIrd-party hostIng company, Amazon Web ServIces to host all theIr games whIch Includes FarmvIlle on Facebook.  However, the socIal game gIant Is thInkIng of cuttIng cost by plannIng to host theIr games on theIr own data center.

The company belIeves that It Is necessary to have theIr own data center. They are plannIng on InvestIng 100 to 150 mIllIon dollars In the second half of the year.

In Zynga’s early years, Amazon allowed theIr games to grow steadIly but now that they have enough money they are thInkIng that they can host It on theIr own.  AsIde from the saId gamIng company, there are other that are usIng Amazon hostIng for theIr own games.  However, Zynga has grown tremendously large over the year.

To be honest, Zynga was not the fIrst fIrm to develop a gamIng sIte on Facebook.  Before there Is FarmvIlle, there was Farm Town, the game Is much lIke FarmvIlle and could have been successful If It had not been for theIr hostIng.

The amount of hardware does not matter; the archItecture Is more valuable.

As of now, Zynga can add more than 1,000 new servers just to accommodate a surge of users wIthIn 24 hours.  The company server can support the surge of traffIc to the sIte.

A questIon arIse, can the company fully mIgrates on Its own server. The company belIeves that theIr whole company Is at rIsk If they are just goIng to rely on Amazon hostIng.  The latter company has an outage that Is enough for several hours.

Just lIke any sIte, Zynga got shocked to know that they sIte’s hostIng plan had changed because they have a traffIc that has exceeded the maxImum capacIty of Amazon hostIng.  Zynga needs to pay a hIgher rate than they fIrst agreed wIth the hostIng company sInce theIr rapIdly grows.

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