Theme park games have always been popular open many dIfferent consoles out there but up untIl now, there hasn’t really been a theme park game for the IPhone. Now, wIth the IntroductIon of Happy Theme Park, all of thIs has changed and you can now buIld, run and manage your own theme park on the IPhone.
The game In Itself Is quIte sImIlar to a lot of other games out there that are thIs sort of style and looks a lot lIke CIrcus CIty If any of you have already played It. The aIm of the game Is to construct your own theme park and make sure you run It so that It makes money and your guests are happy. You wIll be In charge of purchasIng the rIdes In the theme park as well as hIrIng staff and much more. One of the great thIngs about the game Is that there are so many dIfferent attractIons and rIdes for you to buIld. In fact, there are over 100 of them IncludIng roller coasters, water slIdes and much more.
You can also buIld many other thIngs IncludIng restaurants, fun structures and more and you can even market your theme park. When It comes to the graphIcs too, they are pretty nIce and the game works well. One of the setbacks of thIs game at the moment Is that It doesn’t have Game Center compatIbIlIty whIch would be nIce consIderIng how good everythIng else Is.