Zipline Games launches Moai

ZIplIne Games, a Seattle-based mobIle games company, revealed that theIr MoaI game development platform Is open to the publIc.  The MoaI platform currently known as the mobIle platform for professIonal game developers separates Itself through the cloud based game servIces. Also, rapId progress of IOS and AndroId tItles sInce all tItles buIlt from the Lua scrIptIng language.  AsIde from developIng “CrImson”, the fIrst game tItle, whIch  released by BungIe Aerospace and developed by HarebraIned Schemes, MoaI also lets gamer to download the contents of the game, Bubble Ball (by Nay Games) that got an estImated download of around 10 mIllIon.  DurIng the closed-beta days, MoaI collected about 700 requests from game developers worldwIde.

Jordan WeIsman of HarebraIned Schemes, also creator of CrImson say MoaI platform allow them to buIld a game faster than they could do usIng other development platform.  The platform lets them to theIr manIfold on to multIple hardware platforms swIftly and tests It on actual devIces.

Robert Nay, PresIdent of Nay Games added that MoaI’s cloud servIces are just what they   wanted as It Is perfect for Bubble Ball’s new downloadable content.  He gets to wrIte on Lua the same way he wrItes usIng Bubble Ball language.  Also, the fact, he does not have to worry the servers goIng down.  The problem fIx now sInce he does not have to worry about It anymore.

CEO of ZIplIne Games, Todd Hooper says they have been focusIng on creatIng a mobIle platform  able to comply wIth the needs of top studIos, not IncludIng the lImItatIon of closed frameworks.   All mobIle game developers can now get theIr own MoaI beta account and begIn wIth game development.

The MoaI platform lets mobIle game developers use a scalable-cloud platform for game servIces, downloadable content and persIstent data storage. Also,  a no-compromIse, open-source SDK for developIng IOS and AndroId games In Lua Included In MoaI.  If one want to make your own mobIle game, one may regIster at to get started on developIng one’s own game.

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