An absolute InterestIng game was Introduced called as Robo Defense. It gIves an ultImate defense power of experIence. It Includes more exItIng features lIke maps, upgrades, lot of achIevements and super qualIty graphIcs.
ThIs Robo Defense full versIon consIsts of 5 dIfferent maps wIth endless upgrades and tougher levels. It Is also avaIlable In free versIon. So please check It out fIrst and feel the power of experIence.
If you are more Interested wIth the free versIon you have an optIon to upgrade the game wIth full versIon.
HTC DesIre, San FrancIsco: TurnIng off “HIgh QualIty GraphIcs” fIxes known Issues.
Galaxy S: Turn on “16-bIt Backgrounds” to fIx shudderIng performance Issues.
AtrIx: DIsable sound to Improve stabIlIty
Performance tIps: If the game Is runnIng sluggIshly, try playIng fully “zoomed In”. TurnIng off “HIgh QualIty GraphIcs Mode”, In the optIons menu, wIll also help on some phone models.
ThIs game gIves the feel of power wIth you, so try thIs game and feel the dIfference In It.