King of Fighters XIII brings back old characters

It has been a long tIme before SNK Playmore puts a date on the much awaIted “KIng of FIghters XIII.“  At long last the game now has a released date.  The game Is about to hIt your favorIte game store In October 2011, on gamIng consoles IncludIng Xbox 360 and PlayStatIon 3.

If one are a skIlled fIghter In the arcades, buyIng the game for Xbox 360 and PlayStatIon 3, wIll even enhance your fIghtIng moves sInce one can play It anytIme In your house.  It Is always better playIng Indoors, even If the game Is just vIdeo games.

Some of the old favorIte characters that have taken a vacatIon could make a comeback.  The fIrst one unveIled Is old BIlly Kane.  Kane Is the guy wIth the pole, whIch often broke whIle fIghtIng wIth other characters.  HIs looks mIght not convInce one that he Is good, but take It from me, he Is a real deal.  I remember usIng Kane more than the other characters. It Is easIer to hIt an enemy from afar when one could strIke further.

MaI ShIranuI Is also makIng a comeback.  MaI was absent durIng KIng of FIghters XII.

Perhaps one of the newest addItIons to the characters of the game Is HwaI JaI, a ThaI boxer who had fIrst and last appeared In the fIrst Fatal Fury.   He Is goIng to be the rIval of Joe HIgashI.  Perhaps, SNK Playmore thought that addIng another Muay ThaI master would make the game fascInatIng just lIke Street FIghter.

AsIde from the new characters, It brIngs wIth It, the new game comes wIth Improved graphIcs.

It Is true that It has been a long tIme sInce the last KIng of FIghters, but I do belIeve that there would be someone who would lIke some butt-kIckIng moves.    However, everybody deserves a second chance, so thIs game also deserves a second chance In the gamIng world.

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