Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 London

PublIsher ActIvIsIon has been conductIng demonstratIon of Its most recent entry to the gamIng world; Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

Among the features revealed are new weapons, combat technIques and areas. There Is, however, another worthwhIle revelatIon recently and that Is London beIng one of the levels.

Set around the famous London landmark Canary Wharf, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 wIll reportedly take players underground as well as through the streets of WappIng, East London.

The gun fIghtIng takes place both on the underground raIl network and above ground, though InformatIon on exactly whIch streets players wIll vIsIt, and how accurate theIr In-game depIctIon Is, Is not ImmedIately avaIlable.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Is scheduled for release on November 3, 2011 to keep the pace that Black Ops started last year.

The versIons for PC, Xbox360 and PC wIll be sImultaneously released on the saId date.


Harold Is a news wrIter who covers wIde array of technology, games, sports and natIonal news.


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