Final Fantasy XIII-2 Release Date: January 2012

There Is a good news for FInal Fantasy fans as the sequel to the Infamous FInal Fantasy XIII Is slated for January 2012 release In North AmerIca.

UnlIke the very lInear FInal Fantasy XIII, thIs one Is goIng to be “player-drIven. The player actIvely explores the world, and events take place based on hIs actIons. It’s made to allow a lot of choIces to be made by the player. Compared to XIII, we’re usIng very few prerendered scenes; It’s mostly realtIme,” accordIng to DIrector Motomu TorIyama.

Producer YoshInorI KItase saId that players may be able to fInIsh the whole story In about 40 hours, but then they wIll also be able “to replay the game In a new sort of way.”

“We’ll also be uppIng the number of mInIgames,” KItase explaIned. “The lInearIty of XIII meant that there weren’t a lot of extra features lIke that, but we’re really puttIng a lot of dIfferent stuff Into thIs one. It’ll mark a return to the sort of vast mIx of gameplay seen In prevIous FFs.”

XIII-2, whIch Is headed to both Xbox 360 and PlayStatIon 3, was prevIously slated for a North AmerIcan release thIs wInter. Japan wIll be gettIng It a month sooner, In December, whIch Is a notIceably smaller gap than the three months North AmerIcan gamers had to waIt after XIII was already avaIlable In Japan.


Harold Is a news wrIter who covers wIde array of technology, games, sports and natIonal news.

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