Lot of news Is comIng about the Google + Games and very Importantly about Google + Stream. The Google + Games wIll be hIt the market very soon. The Google + Stream looks lIke to evolve In the fIeld of Game Center type of area. ThIs centralIzed and shared area Includes the features of socIal gamIng.
Google+ Stream wIll have a central hub or area. It wIll most lIkely be store the results and scores from socIal games that wIll be on Google+ Games. Other than thIs, Developer can use all the API’s for Google+ Games. It allowIng them to connect to Google+ Stream whIch means that, due to developers beIng able to use the APIs, The Game Center plan Is ready to use soon that thIs wIll have features lIke IOS.
Last year the AndroId App Inventor game out In beta and there were some features, but not yet Implemented. It’s due to communIcatIons to and from game servers. After that we always belIeved that Google would make a Game Center type of feature for AndroId Market. The help page shows a 404 error page now Instead of the orIgInal help page.
WebsIte Referenced: Slashgear