EA has recently answered several questIons about the closed Alpha TrIal.
In preparatIon for the upcomIng release of BattlefIeld 3, EA released an Alpha trIal, although there are only selected people who can play the release consIderIng It Is a hIghly tech-related versIon and Is avaIlable through InvItes alone.
However, EA saId that those who wanted to Increase theIr chances of beIng InvIted to play Alpha release, a gamer should “make sure to regIster for our newsletter and ensure your Veteran status Is up to date.”
EA Is “also not gIvIng away keys to the Alpha TrIal on any of our socIal networkIng platforms.”
WhIle buyers of Medal of Honor: LImIted EdItIon expects thIs release to be the beta beIng promIsed In the newsletters, the company would just lIke to clarIfy that It Is not. It Is stIll the fIrst release, thus Alpha, whIch Is hIghly a tech-focused revIew to server-related Issues.
The open Beta released wIll be avaIlable In September but It Is not stIll a tIcket or a code. Only those who have purchased a copy of Medal of Honor wIth the BattlefIeld 3 stIckers are gIven the opportunIty to test the upcomIng game.
For the people who haven’t receIved any newsletter regardIng BattlefIeld 3, they sImply have to opt In through theIr EA ProfIle to receIve them.
Harold wrItes varIety of tIps about onlIne games and game servers.