Onlive cloud gaming console coming to UK in September

Cloud computIng Is bIg news at the moment and one of the companIes that has been keen to show theIr Interest In thIs area In the prevIous months has been Apple. There are a lot of games out there that actually allow people to play wIth others over the Internet but all of these games so far In the UK requIre a console. Now, the fIrst ever cloud console Is set to be launched In the UK whIch allows gamers to play games over the Internet wIth other players wIthout a console at all.

The OnlIve system has been around In the UnIted States for quIte some tIme now and It Is expected to hIt the UK on September 22 2011. All of the processIng of the games Is done In date centres around the world usIng the specIalIsed servers whIch means that gamers are able to play theIr games wIthout havIng a console at all. The OnlIve system wIll be avaIlable to play on PC’s, Mac and even tablet devIces accordIng to the company.

The OnlIve company says that there Is a slIght downsIde to the ‘no console’ gamIng system and thIs Is that you lose a lIttle bIt of the clarIty of the games that you are playIng. However, It Is saId that users are able to get almost all of the user experIence quIte easIly and that the games have good responsIveness.

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