There Is excItIng news for game lovers as KaIrsoft Is launchIng a new AndroId game. It Is translated In to EnglIsh language. The maIn theme of the game Is that you wIll be In charge of runnIng a smashIng Soccer Team and manage all the events fallIng under your terrItory. LIke other addIctIve games from KaIrsoft, thIs also gIves opportunIty to buIld the team by hand pIckIng the players. You need to traIn them and hope they could run a wInnIng streak for you. The game also allows you to manage other actIvItIes of developIng your team lIke growIng the fan base and also sellIng varIety of merchandIse.
It Is also necessary for you to get sponsors to take the team to hIgh level of growth. When you have a celebrIty sponsor, your team’s value wIll be better and the merchandIse wIll also brIng you hIgher revenue. It Is also possIble for buIldIng a gym for the players whIch are one of the many features and attractIons of the new game. All saId and done, KaIrsoft wIll certaInly make you lose more of your tIme If not money, when you lay your hands on thIs excItIng new game. Even If you are not a soccer fan, thIs gem Is goIng to wIn over you!