HemIsphere Games are the creators of the game Osmos whIch Is avaIlable on IOS platform. Now, they are plannIng to develop the same for the popular AndroId platform also. Though the earlIer IndIcatIons were not very specIfIc, the new hInt offers a defInIte plan by HemIsphere that Indeed, they are comIng up wIth AndroId versIon of Osmos. It was observed by some player who was playIng Osmos on Motorola XOOM that a captIon appeared statIng “Dear Robots, the thIngs are comIng along very nIce, Stay Tuned!” Actually, the hInt Is very much obscure.
Osmos Is very InterestIng game. In the actual game Osmos, you are requIred to control an Orb around the space IncludIng solar system and PetrI dIsh. As you are travellIng around the smaller orbs floatIng around In the space are absorbed and your orb grows In sIze. Then you wIll have to fInd ways to get rId of thIs extra mass. ThIs Is accomplIshed by propellIng around untIl you get to the exIt.
RIght now Osmos Is avaIlable on PC versIon and also on IOS and Mac. The next logIcal step would be to make thIs game avaIlable for AndroId. However, there Is no word on when It Is slated for the launch.