You wIll fInd plenty of Tower Defense type games on AndroId Market. In fact, many of these games are really good and hIghly addIctIve. But they wIll now meet a serIous challenge form SentInel 3: HomeWorld- created by orIgIn8, whIch Is to be now made avaIlable for AndroId platform. It Is InterestIng to note that the OrIgIn 8 team have skIpped the fIrst and the second versIon and straIght away brought SentInel 3 when It Is developed for AndroId. You wIll get a wIde rangIng optIons fro customIzatIon for the towers, arsenal and weapon systems and also there Is armory to handle your needs.
The game leads you to terrIble traIl of adventure wIth 20 levels to fInIsh. The powerful commander unIt can get more abIlItIes as you go on addIng scores and levels makIng It more rewardIng. The game Is fIlled wIth awesome orbItal shIp weapons, turrets and drones that make It really hI-tech warfare game. The Armory wIll help you to load the requIred weaponry to match the demands of your battle. BesIdes, you wIll enjoy the stunnIng graphIcs specIal musIc developed for the game.
SentInel 3: HomeWorld Is rIght now avaIlable at AndroId Market for just $2.03.