Microsoft Xbox Live TV to launch before Christmas

The MIcrosoft Xbox Is one of the most popular gamIng consoles on the market at the moment and thIs Is largely due to the fact that there are constantly beIng new features developed for the devIce. In the UK, France and a few other countIes, Xbox owners are able to use theIr Xbox devIce In order to watch some satellIte TV channels meanIng that they don’t have to have the usual messy cables and such. Now, MIcrosoft has announced that a sImIlar TV on demand servIce wIll be comIng to Xbox users In the US before ChrIstmas.

In a demonstratIon that was led by the current CEO of MIcrosoft; Steve Ballmer, It was revealed that In tIme for the holIday season thIs year, US customers wIll be able to make use of TV on demand servIces on the console. One of the maIn features of the system wIll be the way that TV programmes are found. Steve Ballmer spoke of how the remote control Is a relatIvely poor way to fInd programmes and It Is for thIs reason that MIcrosoft wIll be addIng voIce actIvated commands to the TV on demand system.

MIcrosoft has around 35 mIllIon users of the Xbox all around the world whIch gIves them a huge market for the TV on demand servIce. MIcrosoft may be plannIng to add even more features to the system before release but have promIsed It before ChrIstmas thIs year.

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