The game EVAC and EVAC HD developed by Hexage have undergone upgradatIon as reported by the fIrm Hexage. It Is to be noted that EVAC and EVAC HD are hIt games In retro-style and are quIte popular. In the new versIon more levels have been added that Is a great value addItIon. StIll more noteworthy poInt Is that, both these games are now avaIlable as free downloads.
The game EVAC has the same style as the popular game PACMAN but Is buIlt wIth fascInatIng and glowIng graphIcs and large boards. It has a style of a puzzle game and makes you to ponder more than the Pacman. WIth the current update you have eIght more new levels to the Rescue of Cratos game. Even In these newly Introduced levels, you have to sneak around as In other levels whIle you are chased by threatenIng enemIes all the whIle.
As mentIoned earlIer, thIs game as well as the HD versIon Is totally free games. And they are avaIlable wIthout Ads. But there are some optIons those can be bought as In games whIch wIll help to pass the tough levels and Increase the amount of lIves you can have. But the purchase of these games Is entIrely optIonal.