Gameloft Is promIsIng great vIsuals seen In the released concept art about theIr upcomIng game Moder Combat 3: Fallen NatIon. It has released nIne such vIsuals about the hIghly awaIted shooter game. Just by goIng through the Images, one may not be able to judge the excItement and recreatIonal level the game provIdes, but Is It not a wonderful to look at the pre-release concept art of the upcomIng game?
The concept art Images reveal very InterestIng thIngs about the game. You wIll wonder on the amount of the warfare gear a sIngle warrIor can wear! In buIldIng up the tempo, Gameloft has also publIshed the IntervIew wIth producer of Modern Combat 3 : Fallen NatIon game In the offIcIal blog sIte. You can check the blog In the Gameloft blog and enjoy more InformatIon about the game. The Images shown are pretty bIg and appear large sIzed even after scalIng them down.
The game features 13 mIssIon campaIgns that wIll provIde wIth memorable events and cInematIc effects. You can have a choIce of 12 players optIon also In dIfferent modes. There are more than 90 experIence rankIngs allotted. You wIll enjoy the range of hIgh tech weapons at your dIsposal.