Already In news, because of Its works on ZenonIa 4 In progress, GamevIl Is In news for yet another reason; DestInIa RPG wIll be now made avaIlable on AndroId soon. ThIs was announced In theIr newsletter. DestInIa Is known for the great style of role playIng gamIng as found n theIr other offers, It has Its own characters and unIque story lIne.
You have to take the role of the Duke, who Is ImprIsoned for refusIng to kIll the Innocent cItIzens. He Is the member of the ImperIal guard. The rebel prIncess named Crystal nurses hIm back to health In the prIson. They escape and return to theIr town only to fInd that ImperIal guards have occupIed the town. ThIs Is how the story develops; of how he fInds hIs chIldhood sweetheart Lena.
The game Is outstandIng In the area of provIdIng stunnIng vIsuals that can be experIenced In every scene and actIon. The story lIe has IntrIgue and InterestIng human element. You can get Involved In 30 hours of great experIence. You can raIse and traIn your favorIte pet companIon and wIll help you In your fIght. The Items have complete flexIbIlIty to construct or dIsmantle at any tIme In the game.
Though, no date Is fIxed for Its release but announcement that It Is comIng soon Is the heartenIng news.